Friday, May 21, 2010

The BIG Man's B-day (not THE Big man)

For those of you who are unaware of life...this is a buddha...

That's the man in the back (note the size - he's the biggest sitting Buddha in the world...I believe we were going to see the biggest Lying down Buddha in Thailand). But personally I like the view in the foreground a bit better...

Johann and Maria - soo much fun; awesome couple

Some dragons heads, and the guys in the background are the athletes who will scale the towers of lucky buns (pictured below)....pretty awesome but I won't be able to see it!

Okay so this picture and the next are the creepy portions of the parade. There were dozens of these children dressed up as gods or important chinese figures that have been placed on structures that are cleverly designed to make them look like they are floating. It's kinda cool....but honestly weirded me out a bit - kinda in the same way the little pageant girls from TLC commercials give me the creeps.

gods? I don't know, they were burning insense for them though

So the guys from above climb these towers and grab the bread - some sort of race or competition for luck...I didn't stick around for it though cuz the event occurs on the lucky stroke of midnight - and I'm crossing my fingers I'll be in bed by then. (Vivian showed it to me on tv at night!!)

This one is for mama - still alive, Mom! (Though clearly pretty hot and tired)

Coke is a big Buddha fan

Lucky Buns (love this name) - there are souvenire stuff ALL over with little mini buns everywhere.. (they are the buns that are stuck all the way up the towers I was standing in front of above.
I got the Lotus nut one...I could have got Sesame seed again...but I've had it so much I'm afraid I've had so much I'm going to turn into one

Johann and I taking a picture of this woman's wicked solar-powered-fan-hat

Don't ask; I don't know

the idols were living it up in the shade and their own floats

I wish I had a clearer image of these guys, but they moved so of the highlights of the day actually - the many, many dragons all started to look the same after a while

Blue Girl Beer - also a Holy Sponsor is Buddha's birthday, and for the last couple of years it has been declared a public holiday - so I got it off! I also decided to give myself a mental break and take a time-out from planning and writing and driving myself crazy - so I travelled to a nearish island where they are famed for their Buddha festivities. The whole day was really fun, I met two German teachers (Johann and Maria...gotta love the stereotypes) who are nearing the end of their year-long world tour (!) in line for the ferry...and we ended up spending the whole day together which was awesome. Maria even invited me to come stay at their house for a couple of weeks to refurbish their garden that has been left all year, and she would pay for everything - I'm beginning to scare myself because I was quite tempted to say yes...but I am starting to draw the line at how many opportunities I say "yes" to! Their story gives me hope for future possibilities after having kids (they also aren't rich at all, just saved a long once again - hope) - all is not lost after we turn forty guys, so Laura, no more crying on your birthday.


Shan said...

Oye, Laura isn't allowed to cry on her birthday yet...however, I... never mind... You were right Carolyn, great pix. Would love to see more of you enjoying all this though. Yeah, believe it or not, more people than just your Mom want to see how hot and tired you are (maybe there are some who would just like to see how hot you are -- ha ha!), so post more photos of you too!

thegraylife said...

Shannon! Scandelous!

But oookaay, I'll try next time...I'm on my way to the first build tomorrow morning so you'll get all the hot and sticky pictures you desire.

I better see the favour returned during/after your Asia trip, missy!

Love ya,