Friday, May 21, 2010


Hey ya’ll,

SO, this is a big deal for me…

I have some news. Some great, wonderful, beautiful, dream-come-true, answer to much prayer and insanity – news. I'm not blogging it yet - business first; party later - BUT I do want to send a loving shout out to those who have been thinking of me and supporting me - it means soo much!! and I am constantly having you guys in mind too :).

All I can say on the wide-scale to all of you - don't doubt how much you are worth, and the kind of things that can happen in your life. Don't sit idle by...start doing something and see what happens...because we're not the only ones at work here...and for those of you already living this out - you inspire me, push me, and keep shaking things up; it's awesome.

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Prov. 16:9

till next the post about the big buddha and his lucky buns...

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